naturalistic data造句

"naturalistic data"是什么意思   


  1. However, for real life application, naturalistic data is preferred.
  2. Naturalistic data was collected through video focal follows with children during routine activities and then analyzed.
  3. The study is significant because it is the only study of human grooming to utilize naturalistic data.
  4. Naturalistic data was collected through video focal follows with children during routine activities and then coded for grooming behaviors.
  5. Despite the numerous advantages which naturalistic data has over acted data, it is difficult to obtain and usually has low emotional intensity.
  6. It's difficult to find naturalistic data in a sentence. 用naturalistic data造句挺难的
  7. :: : This is a common naturalistic data collection method in the study of first language acquisition; Roy's study is just one that happened to be covered in the popular media.


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  7. "naturalistic design"造句
  8. "naturalistic disease theories"造句
  9. "naturalistic dualism"造句
  10. "naturalistic education"造句

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